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375 nm-1550 nm Direct系列半导体激光器




  • 波长范围:375 nm to 1550 nm
  • 输出功率:高达2W
  • 低噪声、单纵模
  • SLM单纵模输出
  • 卓越的指向稳定性和功率稳定性
  • 高达200 MHz高速调制
  • 自由空间光输出或光纤耦合输出
Wavelength (+/-5 nm)
TEMoo laser Max. output
SLM laser Max. output
CW output model
Transverse mode
Beam diameter (1/e2)
Beam divergence
Longitudinal mode 
    SLM available
Spectrum linewidth
Output stability
Beam point stability
Noise (rms)
Operating temperature
Size of laser head
Size of power supply
Warm-up time
Operation voltage
Power consumption
375       405     390-425        445        473       488 nm
60         300        100             80           80         150 mW
25          50           40              30           30          50 mW
0.5W-2W*, 300, 200, 150, 100, 80, 50, 25, 10 mW
TEMoo, M2<1.3
1 mm
0.6 mrad
Multiple longitudinal mode
Single longitudinal mode with > 50 m coherence length  
1 nm, nominal; SLM version: < 0.0001 nm
<1 over="" 24="" hours="" br="">+/-0.005 mrad/C
Vertical, ratio 100 : 1
<0.5 10hz-20mhz="" br="">10 to 40 degree C
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch) DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm
30 seconds
11-18 VDC or 90-250 VAC
Typical 6 Watts
TTL modulation, analog modulation, single mode or mutimode fiber coupling options are available for all lasers.
* Laser beam of 500 mW to 1W, 405 and 445 nm laser is 1.5x2.5 mm, M2<3; 1w="" to="" 2w="" 405="" nm="" and="" 445="" nm="" lasers="" are="" available="" in="" fiber="" coupled="" output="" span="">



Compact Red Laser

Specifications   The single longitudinal mode red lasers provide >5 meters (option >50-100 meters) coherence length
Wavelength(+/-4 nm)
Maximum output
    SLM laser output
Transverse mode
Beam diameter (1/e2)
Beam divergence
Output stability, rms
Noise (rms)
Beam point stability
Longitudinal mode 
    SLM version
Spectrum linewidth
Operating temperature
Operating voltage 
Warm-up time
Power consumption
Size of laser head
Size of power supply
633-647          660           690           785           808-852        980-1550nm
150mW       200mW       50mW     300mW     500mW        300mW-2W
70mW           50mW       50mW     150mW      200mW         1000mW
TEMoo, M2<1.3
1.2 mm
1 mrad
<1 % over 24 hours
<0.5 %, 10 Hz - 20 MHz
+/-0.005 mrad/K
Linear; Polarization ratio >100:1
Several longitudinal modes
Single longitudinal mode with >5m (option >100m) coherence length
SLM laser: <0.001 nm, or <0.01 cm-1; other laser: 1 nm norminal
10 to 35 degree C
90-250 VAC or 12 VDC
30 seconds
5 W
3 x 3.6 x 12 cm type 4 or type 1 
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch)     DC: built in laser head
Intermediate power available from 1 mW to the maximum output power with lower cost
Beam divergence 0.4 mrad and beam size 2.5 mm is available on request
New DC version laser has a built-in power supply inside the laser head which keeps the same dimensions of 3 x 3 x 12 cm

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